Home > News > 2021 > Congratulations to Dr. YANG Lan, Prof. CHIU Ming Ming and Dr. YAN Zi for their special issue
13 September 2021
Congratulations to Dr. YANG Lan, Prof. CHIU Ming Ming and Dr. YAN Zi for their edited special issue titled “The Power of Teacher Feedback in Affecting Student Learning and Achievement: Insights from Students’ Perspective", which was published by Educational Psychology: An International Journal of Experimental Educational Psychology [SSCI; 2.903 (2020) Impact Factor], on August 27, 2021, Volume 41, Issue 7 (2021).
Effective use of feedback improves student achievement, showing a large effect size of .70 (Hattie's 2017 meta-analyses of 80,000 independent studies). Recently, Wisniewski et al. (2020) meta-analysis of 435 studies highlighted high-information feedback (i.e., containing information on self-regulation during learning process) is most effective (d =.99). However, the mechanisms by which students use this feedback to improve their learning remains unclear. After receiving teacher feedback, students might respond in various ways that differ from the teacher’s expectation(s). Indeed, students’ and teachers’ perceptions regarding the quantity and quality of teacher feedback often differ substantially.
To unveil the mechanisms by which feedback affects students’ learning and achievement, researchers need to investigate the relationships among teacher feedback, student feedback beliefs, student motivation, student interpretation of the feedback, and student responses.
This special issue features six outstanding studies that examine how teacher feedback affects student learning and achievement from the perspective of students in primary, secondary and higher education. These studies reflect a critical research trend of capitalising on students’ insights into the effects of teacher feedback. Research designs and findings are also informative for feedback literacy enhancement in teaching and learning across educational sectors.
For more details of this special issue, please click HERE.