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Selected Publications

​Professor Ming Ming Chiu

Wang, H., & Chiu, M. M. (2023). Teacher anger as a double-edged sword: Contrasting trait and emotional labor effects. Motivation and Emotion, 47, 650-668.

Lee, J. S., & Chiu, M. M. (2023). Modeling EFL learners’ willingness to communicate: The roles of face-to-face and digital L2 communication anxiety. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics, 1-24.

Hu, X. A., Chiu, M. M., Yelland, N., & Liang, Y. (2023). Scaffolding of young children's computational thinking with teacher in a technology-mediated classroom. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 65, 81-91.

Professor Sing Kai Lo

Cheng, W. T. M., Xie, Y., & Lo, S. K. (2023). Making the college transition in china-rural first-generation college students and their parents. Social Education Research, 4(1), 131-143.

Ho, F. C., Lam, C. S. C., & Lo, S. K. (2023). Differences between students with comorbid intellectual disability and autism spectrum disorder and those with intellectual disability alone in the recognition of and reaction to emotions. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 53, 593-605. doi: 10.1007/s10803-020-04630-0

Leung, C., Pin, T., Siu, A., Au, A., To, C., Lo, S. K., Chan, B., Lau, K., Ng, T., Chan, C., Lam, C., & Lee, F. (2021). Development and pilot evaluation of the Cognition domain of the Hong Kong Comprehensive Assessment Scales for Toddlers. Developmental Neurorehabilitation, 24(4), 244-255.

Professor Zi Yan

Chan, K. K. Y., Bond, T., & Yan, Z. (2023). Application of an Automated Essay Scoring engine to English writing assessment using Many-Facet Rasch Measurement. Language Testing, 40(1), 61-85.

Yan, Z., & King, R. B. (2023). Assessment is contagious: The social contagion of formative assessment practices and self-efficacy among teachers. Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice, 30(2), 130-150.


Mendoza, N. B., Yan, Z., & King, R. B. (2023). Domain-specific motivation and self-assessment practice as mechanisms linking perceived need-supportive teaching to student achievement. European Journal of Psychology of Education, 38, 607-630.

Dr Lok Yin Joyce Kwan

Zhang, C., Kwan, J. L. Y., & Leung, B.-W. (2023). Adaptation of a Self-Regulated Practice Behavior scale for Chinese music majors. Journal of Research in Music Education. Advance online publication.

Cheung, S. K., Chan, W. W. L., & Kwan, J. L. Y. (2023). An investigation into the concreteness of manipulatives in mathematical instruction: Do the object and its label matter? Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 65, 275-283.

Ng, C. K. J., Kwan, L. Y. J., & Chan, W. (2023). A note on evaluating the moderated mediation effect. Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal. Advance online publication.

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