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Research Projects

Since its establishment, ARC has implemented around 60 funded/ awarded R&D projects (including external competitive fund, internal competitive fund, commissioned projects, developmental projects, and grants for training programmes) as well as a number of self-funded projects on a smaller scale.
Our recent/ major R&D projects are listed below (in alphabetical order):
A comparative study to measure the impact of school counselor ratios on student outcomes in states with highest and lowest school counselor ratios
All that Effort of Feedback Research, but what is the Effect in Chinese Secondary Students? Identify Impact through INFACT (Innovative Formative Assessment Collaborative Team)
Bottom-up Assessment Reform: The Student-centred Assessment-driven Learning (SCADL) Platform
Social Media Analytics Research Teams (SMART)
Teacher negotiation of educational change and sociocultural processes (re)defining teacher dialogue and practice
'Teachers' revised assessment practices and effects on secondary-four students' learning outcomes and wellbeing: Assessment reform of Liberal Studies / Civic and Social Development
Workplace mistreatment of Hong Kong secondary school teachers: A longitudinal study of depletion, commitment, and preoccupation mechanisms

Projects Completed
A Comparison Between Mindfulness Training and Relaxation Training on Memory, Physical and Psychosocial Wellbeing
A Conceptual Framework for Double Marking Systems in Higher Education
A Meta-analysis on Statistics Anxiety: Antecedents and Effects
An Innovative Methodology for Data with a Hierarchical Structure and Its Applications and Implications for Policy-Formulation
Advancing Cognitive Diagnosis Models: Developing, Evaluating, and Demonstrating Novel Models and Methods
Auto-scoring of Chinese Composition: E-Writing and Assessment Exercise
Building a New Methodology of Assessment of Differential Item Functioning
Cantonese Opera: Transmission for Sustainable in Hong Kong
Children Solving Arithmetic Word Problems
Developing a Framework of Item Response Models for Multifaceted Data
Developing a New Class of Item Response Theory Models for Examinee-selected Items to Ensure Test Fairness
Developing a New Class of Item Response Theory Models for Ipsative Tests with Forced-choice Items
Differences in Open Classroom Climate of European Countries
E-Assessment of, for and as Learning in the 21st Century
E-Leadership Building in an Era of E-Learning through Cross-departmental Collaboration (Institute-level)
Enhancing Teacher Efficacy and Positive Parenting for the Support of High Functioning Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder: An Evidence-based Professional Development and Practical Approach
Environmental Project (「健康課室」研究暨學生科學探究學習計劃)
Establishing a Research Cluster for Promoting Artificial Intelligence in Technology-enhanced Language Learning (AITELL) Research
Establishing a Research Cluster on Language, (im)Mobility and Internationalised Higher Education in the Post-Globalization Era
Exploring Effects of Teacher and Peer Feedback on Self-Directed Learning and Mathematics Achievement of Primary Students
Harnessing the power of Assessment to support pre-service teachers' learning and professional development through an innovative Blended Learning approach (A+BLe)
Ingratiation Tendency after Rejecting Others
Interplay of Achievements in Mathematics and Chinese Language: A Six-year Longitudinal Study
Kinect-enhanced Conductor Training for Children with Special Learning Needs
Latent Growth Curve Analysis with Time-dependent Observations
Latent Mediated Moderation Analysis in Structural Equation Modeling
Provision of Services for the Review on Assessment Program for Affective and Social Outcomes (APASO)
Provision of Services for the Training Workshops on Assessment Programs for Affective and Social Outcomes (2nd Version) (APASO II Training)
Provision of Services for Workshop Series for School Leaders on New Academic Structure (SLW) 2013: Reforming School Assessment Culture under New Academic Structure
Self-assessment: Calibration, Predictors, and Effects
Self-assessment: The Conceptualization, Practice, and Effects on Learning
Self-regulated learning: Teachers’ Belief and Instruction
SP Xpress
Teaching Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders in Ordinary Schools: Design and Evaluation of a Culturally Sensitive Holistic Inclusive Model
The Analysis of Mediated Moderation and Moderated Mediation with Latent Variables
The Longitudinal Impact of Career Planning Education on Career Development of Students with and without Special Education Needs in Inclusive Education of Hong Kong
The Relationship among Statistics Anxiety, Self-efficacy to Learn Statistics, and Performance during the Course of Statistics Learning
The Role of Family Dining Pattern, Parenting Style and Family Cohesiveness on the Health, Behaviour and Learning of Preschool Children
The Role of Mathematics and Chinese Language in Driving Achievement Growth: What Drives What? A Latent Growth Curve Study
Unpacking Student Self-assessment: What are the Self-assessment Processes and How Do They Work?