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Home > News > 2019 > Press Release: American School Counselor Association Awards 2019 Grants to Support Comprehensive School Counseling Research



16 July 2019

ALEXANDRIA, VA. – The American School Counselor Association (ASCA) recently announced the recipients of its 2019 research grants. ASCA sought proposals for projects examining the effectiveness of school counseling programs, particularly those aligned with the ASCA National Model, in improving student outcomes, as well as the projects demonstrating the effectiveness of the ASCA Mindsets & Behaviors for Student Success in improving social/emotional learning. ACT and the Learning Policy Institute provided funding support for the grants.

“Since 2017, ASCA grants have funded important research projects highlighting the value of school counselors’ contribution to student academic, social/emotional and postsecondary success,” said Kwok-Sze Wong, Ed.D., ASCA executive director. “These research projects will provide necessary data to support the mission and work of school counselors across the nation.”

Grant proposals were reviewed by a panel of school counseling professionals appointed by ASCA. Based on evaluations by the review panel, ASCA selected the following proposals for a total of nearly $35,000 in funding.

A Comparative Study to Measure the Impact of School Counselor Ratios on Student Outcomes in States with Highest and Lowest School Counselor Ratios

  • Peg Donohue, Ph.D., assistant professor and program coordinator, school counseling, Central Connecticut State University

  • Amy Gaessar, Ph.D., assistant professor of school counseling, SUNY Brockport

  • Jennifer Parzych, Ph.D., associate professor and coordinator, school counseling program, Southern Connecticut State University

  • Ming Ming Chiu, Ph.D., chair and professor of analytics and diversity, The Education University of Hong Kong

  • Richard Lapan, Ph.D., Professor, University of Massachusetts – Amherst

Middle School Mindsets Matter: Examining the Impact of a Small-Group Program on Underperforming Students’ Social/Emotional Learning Outcomes

  • Christopher Slaten, Ph.D., director of the school counseling program, University of Missouri – Columbia

  • Alexis Rhames, doctoral student, University of Missouri – Columbia

Supporting Exceptional Student Learners: An Inquiry through the ASCA Mindsets & Behaviors

  • Hannah Bowers, Ph.D., assistant professor, Florida Atlantic University

  • Denise K. Whitford, Ph.D., Purdue University

Within two years, ASCA has awarded approximately $125,000 in funding for a total of 14 research projects. These projects have provided, and continue to provide, valuable research supporting the effectiveness of school counselors and data-informed school counseling programs in improving student outcomes.

About the American School Counselor Association
The American School Counselor Association (ASCA) is a nonprofit, 501(c)(3) professional organization based in Alexandria, Va. ASCA promotes student success by expanding the image and influence of school counseling through leadership, advocacy, collaboration and systemic change. ASCA helps school counselors guide their students toward academic achievement, career planning and social/emotional development to help today’s students become tomorrow’s productive, contributing members of society. Founded in 1952, ASCA has a network of 50 state and territory
associations and a membership of approximately 36,000 school counseling professionals. For additional information on the American School Counselor Association, visit

Press Release: American School Counselor Association Awards 2019 Grants to Support Comprehensive School Counseling Research
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