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Home > Awards > 2018 ARC Best Idea Prize
2018 ARC Best Idea Prize
Winner: Jensen Zhu (14 December 2018)
Jensen’s Idea: Build a Computerised Adaptive Testing (CAT) system to assess students’ mathematics ability. Around 200 maths items developed and calibrated in a past research project will be uploaded to the CAT platform established.
Winner: Kelly Choi (21 September 2018)
Kelly’s Idea: Organise regular flash panel on which 2 or more speakers speak on a common topic, disseminate research outputs of their projects, or share new ideas. The flash panel aims to promote communication and help brainstorming.
Winner: Connie Hsu (20 August 2018)
Connie’s Idea: Enhance SP Xpress to help school teachers without statistical background to assess and inform student learning.

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