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Home > Awards > 2019 ARC Best Idea Prize
2019 ARC Best Idea Prize
Winner: Tracey Yeung (10 October 2019)
Tracey's Idea: Organize team building activities (e.g. war game, bubble soccer, cooking game, treasure hunt, act out words, etc.) to welcome new ARC colleagues.
Winner: Tim Wong (17 April 2019)
Tim's Idea: Build a small-scale, robust and effective online system to manage ARC records so as to save administrators’ time at work.
Winners: Wayne Chen, Jensen Zhu (13 February 2019)
Their Idea: Use automatic item generation (AIG) function to create a lot of maths items for students to practise and fully learn a concept while saving teachers’ time and effort in item creation.
Winners: Kelly Choi, Cathy Tao, Sze Ming Lam (13 February 2019)
Their Idea: Employ visual arts students of Department of Cultural and Creative Arts (CCA) to edit ARC’s videos of talks and events.

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